» Hear ye! Hear ye, Ladies and Lords! Let me count you the story of Arthur the Ugly, who had to pay a dowry to find a Ladies for marrying. Or you may prefer hearing the adventures of Blanche the Cunning who succeeded in taking an impregnable castle.
I can count you a lot of stories from numerous lands: the François the Extravagant’s feasts which offered in a day more foods and drinks needed for more than one week; the cruel Henry who liked to torture his prisoner before killing them; or also the misfortune of Mireille the cursed who attracted storms, famine and plague wherever she was!

My name is Jauffré, the most famous minstrel of the kingdom. With me, you will never get bored ! »


The fifth Fief’s expansion, Politics enables you to personalize your family in two different ways:  by the enrollment of one attendant who will give you his specific competency but also by giving to each lord an attribute that will influence the way you play your lords. This expansion brings a deeper role-play to the game.

So here you can find the French rules of this expansion of Fief:

[av_button label=’Règles Politique’ link=’manually,http://www.asyncron.fr/classic/fief/#tab-id-8′ link_target=’_blank’ color=’custom’ custom_bg=’#7c7c7c’ custom_font=’#ffffff’ size=’small’ position=’left’ icon_select=’yes’ icon=’ue84f’ font=’entypo-fontello’ av_uid=’av-2wlb31′]

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